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Upload a letter

Upload a PDF of a single letter and Notify will print, pack and post it for you.

You can use this feature if you send a lot of one-off letters or if our reusable letter templates do not meet your needs.

To upload and send a letter:

  1. Go to the Uploads page.
  2. Select Upload a letter.
  3. Select Choose file.

Letter specification

Your PDF must meet our letter specification.

Page size and layout: A4 portrait (210 × 297 mm)

Maximum file size: 2 MB

Your letter must be 10 pages or less (5 double-sided sheets of paper).

The content of your letter must appear inside the printable area.

To help you set up your letter, you can download our letter specification as a PDF.

See a text version of the letter specification

Page 1 of 10

Left margin 15mm

Right margin 15mm

Top margin 5mm

Bottom margin 5mm

Logo block

Position: 15mm from left edge, 5mm from top edge

Size: 200mm wide by 25mm high

Address block

Position: 24.6mm from left edge, 39.5mm from top edge

Size: 95.4mm wide by 26.8mm high

Letter contact block

Position: 125mm from left edge, 30mm from top edge

Size: 65mm wide by 65mm high

Pages 2 to 10

Left margin 15mm

Right margin 15mm

Top margin 5mm

Bottom margin 5mm