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Unsubscribe links

You must let people opt out of receiving subscription emails, otherwise they might report you for sending spam.

With GOV.UK Notify you can:

  • add an unsubscribe link in your emails
  • get a list of the recipients who request to unsubscribe

It is your responsibility to stop sending emails to anyone who asks to unsubscribe.

If you do not, we can stop you from using GOV.UK Notify.

Read the GOV.​UK Service Manual to help decide if your emails are transactional or subscription messages.

How to add an unsubscribe link

  1. Go to the Templates page.
  2. Add a new email template or choose an existing email template.
  3. Select the Add an unsubscribe link checkbox.

Recipients can request to opt out of unwanted emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link.

We will report any email unsubscribe requests on the Dashboard.

You should download the report and remove the recipients from your mailing list. Do this before you send any more emails to these recipients.

This report is available for up to 90 days.

If you want to add a custom unsubscribe link

This is an API only feature. Follow the instructions in our API documentation.

You’ll need a developer on your team to set it up for you.