How to pay

If you use GOV.UK Notify to send text messages or letters, you may need to send us a purchase order.


Notify is run by the Government Digital Service (GDS), part of the Cabinet Office.

The Cabinet Office will send your organisation an invoice each quarter if you:

If your organisation has more than one Notify service, you’ll see a breakdown of each service on your invoice.

If the value of an invoice is less than £250 (before VAT), it will be added to the total for the next quarter to save time and effort.

You can pay by BACS, debit card, or credit card.

Please start your payment reference with the invoice number.

Purchase orders

Before you exceed the free text message allowance or send letters, we will need either:

  • a purchase order (PO) for the financial year
  • confirmation your organisation can receive invoices without a PO reference

Use our support form to send us your PO or confirmation with the name and email address of your finance contact.

If your organisation’s total estimated spend is more than £500 per quarter (before VAT), you will need to raise a purchase order (PO).

Your organisation should raise a single PO for the estimated cost of all its services. You can update the PO any time if your usage increases.

Your organisation may need to add the Cabinet Office as a supplier before you can raise a PO.