Send emails, text messages and letters to your users
Try GOV.UK Notify now if you work in central government, a local authority, or the NHS.
Control your content
You do not need any technical knowledge to create email, text message or letter templates.
See how your messages perform
Track how many messages you’ve sent and find out which ones are not being delivered.
Send messages manually or automatically
Upload a spreadsheet of email addresses or phone numbers and Notify sends the messages.
Integrate the GOV.UK Notify API with your web application or back office system.
Who’s using GOV.UK Notify
See the list of services and organisations.
Text messages
then 2.27 pence per message
There’s no monthly charge, no setup fee and no procurement process.
Find out more about pricing.
The team
GOV.UK Notify is built by the Government Digital Service and is supported 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Contact us if you have a question or want to give feedback.